中南林學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào) |
雷日平 陳輝 劉建軍 摘 要:混交林的生態(tài)和經(jīng)濟(jì)效益越來(lái)越引起人們的關(guān)注,為了探討混交林中各樹種的生化關(guān)系,研究了分布于陜西省寧陜縣火地塘林場(chǎng)的華山松(Prunus
armandii)和銳齒櫟(Quercus Effects of Litter Leaching Liquor and Soil Leaching Liquor of Prunus armandii and Quercus acutissima Stands on Seed Sprout and Seedl ing Growth of Prunus tabulaeformis LEI Ri-ping(Dept.of Resources and
Environment of Fujian Forestry College, Nanping 353001 ,Fujian,China) Abstract:In recent years, much attention has been given to the economic and
ecological benefits of mixed forest.In this paper, the grow th of Prunus tabula
eformis seed, treated with the aqueous extracts of Prunus armandiii and Quercus
acu tissima forest which lies in Ningshan County,Shanxi Province, is studied
by v a riance analysis, so that the constitution of trees in the mixed forest is
also d iscussed. The results indicate: each concentration level of aqueous
extracts from soil un der two kinds of forests has no significant effect on
seed-pullulating, radicle and radicle growth; each concentration level of
aqueous extracts from forest li tter has significant effect. The concentration
of 1∶10 equeous
extracts from li tter accelerates the radicle growth significantly, but those of
the original and 1 ∶20 have no significant effect; and the concantions of 1∶10 and 1∶20 accelera te the tender
stem growth, but the original has no significant
effect. |
作者簡(jiǎn)介:雷日平(1974-),男,山西大同人,碩士 生,主要從事森林培育方面的研究.
作者單位:雷日平(福建林學(xué)院資源與環(huán)境系,中國(guó)福建 南平 353001) 陳輝(福建林學(xué)院資源與環(huán)境系,中國(guó)福建 南平 353001) 劉建軍(西北農(nóng)林 科技大學(xué),中國(guó)陜西 楊凌 712100) 參考文獻(xiàn): [1]火樹華.樹木學(xué)[M].北京:中國(guó)林業(yè)出版社,1992.12-20. 收稿日期:2000年3月7日 出版日期:2001年3月1日 |