刊物名稱: 國際造紙
年.卷.期: 2001 20 01
作 者: 王年安 河南省輕工業(yè)學校,鄭州,450006
Wang Nianan Henan School of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, 450006
關(guān).鍵.詞: 分散松香膠 制備 使用
分.類.號: TS72
英文標題: Preparation and Application of Dispersed Rosin Sizes
摘 要: 松香膠是造紙常用的施膠劑,普通松香膠的游離松香含量低,因此,施膠效果不好。而分散松香膠中游離松香含量高,分散越好,施膠的效果越佳。
Preparation and Application of Dispersed Rosin Sizes
Wang Nianan(Henan School of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, 450006)
Abstract:Rosin sizes is a common sizing agent of paper, the content of free rosin acid is low in common rosin sizes, so the sizing effect is bad. While the content of free rosin acid in the dispersed rosin sizes is high, the sizing effect is better.
Keywords:disperse rosin sizes, preparation, application